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Radiation and BioSafety Instructions

All imaging laboratories are located in building 60 (UG, Nuclear Medicine) within the area where radioactive samples are handled. All labs are also classified as biosafetly level S1. Thus, access to the lab is only granted after radiosafety and biosafety instructions by the radiosafety and biosafety officers of RG Prof. Endepols or RG Prof. Grüll or their representatives. This is mandatory also for work that doesn't involve radioactive sample handling, such as MRI or microCT  measurements.

Instructions are always given the last Friday of a month at 13:00 by zoom, inluding a multiple choice test.

Attention: As an exception, the next instruction will be given on 20.12.2024 at 13:00!

To register, please:

  1. For access to labs in UG-building 60 (preclinical imaging labs), download the forms for radiation (2023-07-31_Bestaetigung_Strahlenschutzunterweisung.pdf) and biosafety instruction (2023-07-31_Unterschrift_Einweisung_S1_1790.pdf) and sign them
  2. For access to the S1 labs of RG Grüll, LFI, 4th floor, download and sign 2023-07-31_Unterschrift_Einweisung_S1_1755.pdf.
  3. Rename the files according to the following scheme: yyyy-mm-dd_name of file_LastName_FirstName.pdf. Use the date of the instruction. Send the signed forms as separate attachments to Labore-RSBS-Geb60-UG@uk-koeln.de. Do not combine scans into one file!
  4. deadline is Wednesday 12:00 noon before the Friday of the instruction.
  5. Forms and emails received after that deadline will not be considered for the instruction but only a full month later.

Instructions will be given by zoom always the last Friday of each month at 13:00:


Meeting-ID: 910 6813 6191

Passwort: 296885