Experimental Imaging and Image-guided Therapy - Dept. Radiology - Dept. of Chemistry
- Institute of Radiochemistry and Experimental Molecular Imaging - Clinic of Nuclear Medicine
Group Leader Neuroimaging and Neuroengineering of Experimental Stroke
Experimental Imaging and Image-guided Therapy - Dept. Radiology - Dept. of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Institute of Biochemistry Department of Chemistry
Director of ITCC/RRZK Parallel and Distributed Systems Centre for Data and Simulation Science
Team Leader Data Science Dept. of Radiology
Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin INM-5: Nuklearchemie Forschungszentrum Jülich
Klinik für Nuklearmedizin
Innere Medizin I Leiter AG Krebstherapie und Molekulare Bildgebung
Parallel and Distributed Systems IT Centre University of Cologne

Leitung AG Radiochemie Institut für Radiochemie und Experimentelle Molekulare Bildgebung