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7th January 2025 - MUPIC Symposium

Preclinical Imaging of disease-relevant animal models plays an important role in biomedical and translational research. At the University Hospital of Cologne, a dedicated imaging lab for multimodal imaging is available offering a unique infrastructure for MRI, PET, SPCT and microCT imaging. The network project MUPIC with participants form the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science as well Faculty of Medicine covers projects from tracer design, radiolabeling and preclinical imaging to translational research bridging the entire chain from molecules to mouse to man.  

The aim of this symposium is raise awareness of the available infrastructure and possible application in various areas of (bio)chemical and medical research.    

Considering the importance of this infrastructure for several research groups and collaborative projects, it will receive future support from the Faculty of Medicine as a core facility EPIC (Experimental and Preclinical Imaging Cologne).  This symposium marks also the official start of EPIC as Core Facility. 

Attendence is limited to 100 participants for the conference and 70 participants for dinner on a first come first serve bases. Registration deadline is 31.12.2024. Thank you!


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01.07.2023Förderprogramm der Uni Köln

MUPIC Network started

Die Universität zu Köln fördert den Aufbau von neuen Forschernetzwerken in Köln. Mit dem internen Förderprogramm „UoCForum“ werden vier innovative Projekte mit jeweils bis zu 100.000 Euro jährlich für die Dauer von zwei Jahren unterstützt. Insgesamt steht somit eine Fördersumme von bis zu 800.000 Euro bereit.

Projekttitel: Multimodal Preclinical Imaging Platform University Cologne (MUPIC)
Projektleiter*innen: Prof. Holger GrüllProf.ìn Heike Endepols
Dauer: 01.07.2023-30.06.2025